Thank you for choosing us for your audiology services!
Seeking hearing healthcare can sometimes be a daunting, confusing, and intimidating task where it is difficult to know where to start and who to trust.
As a result, my passion for helping those with hearing problems led to the creation of an audiology practice that offers the highest quality services with a mission of redefining our community’s expectations of hearing healthcare.
This is a practice where a personal and caring approach is highly valued, patient and family education and understanding are key to success, and your overall ear health and hearing function is cared for by the best-trained hearing professional–a licensed Doctor of Audiology. All of this in a warm, comfortable, and welcoming environment.
Great Lakes Audiology is built upon this strong foundation. We know that helping you and your family achieve the greatest hearing and communication success comes from much more than the sale of a hearing aid.
We welcome you and your family to our practice–please call 419-327-2273 (EAR-CARE) for more information and to schedule your visit!
Clint D. Keifer, Au.D.
Audiologist / Owner
PS Please check back frequently for updates and information. In addition, please feel free to browse our other website, Toledo Hearing Doctor, which was designed as an educational resource about hearing and hearing loss. Please email us if you would like to ask a question or see any topic added!